Elettra Stimilli
Philosopher and teacher
She is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the Sapienza University of Rome. She directs the collection Filosofia e Politica and MaterialiIT at the Italian publisher Quodlibet. She is also a member of the scientific committee of Bloomsbury's Political Theologies collection and of the editorial board of the journal Political Theology.
She is the author of numerous essays on the relationship between politics and religion, with a particular focus on contemporary thought. She has published Il debito del vivente (Quodlibet, 2011) and Debito e colpa (Futura, 2015).
She has also published Jacob Taubes. Sovranità e tempo messianico (2004, 2019) and has edited the German edition Jacob Taubes, Der Preis des Messiasnismus: Briefe con Jacob Taubes en Gershom Scholem und andere Materialien (Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2006). With Dario Gentili and Glenda Garella she has also edited the book Italian Critical Thought. Genealogies and Categories (Rowman & Littlefield, lanham, MD 2018).